Becoming a student leader adds value to a student’s experience. The greatest feeling comes from embracing challenges and exceeding one’s own expectations. A leader constantly looks to develop himself, to become the best he can be. There are a myriad possibilities and resources available, and it’s important to grasp these moments. By upholding leadership positions, the student can positively impact other students, peers, organizations, and the greater community.
Leadership is much more than a skill or an entitlement. True leadership stems from knowing when to lead and when to follow. Leaders understand how to leverage the strengths and weaknesses of a team, to foster an atmosphere that inspires positive action. Driven by passion and purpose, they bring out the best in people. At the end of the day, leaders simply love people, which compels them to serve their community. Ultimately, leaders practice their talents on a daily basis.
One of the definitions of Uganda National Students Association (UNSA) is, “A democratically elected National Students Council (NSC) formed under Section 30 of the Education Act. District Executive Councils (DEC), who elect the NSC, also establish the National Executive Council (NEC) and Board of trustees.” UNSA, as constituted, is the voice and support of students in post primary academic institutions under the official Patronage of the President of the Republic of Uganda.
Objectives of the Students Day as UNSA are:
- To inspire and promote among the Youth a spirit of unity and national consciousness
- To provide a unified and integrated system through which the Youth may communicate and coordinate their ideas and activities
- To establish channels through which economic and social services and amenities may reach the Youth in all areas of Uganda
- To encourage the Youth to consolidate their role in national development in the economic, social, cultural and educational fields
- To initiate and encourage the formation of Youth organizations and to facilitate communication among them
- To promote relations between Youth organizations in Uganda and international Youth organizations and other bodies with similar objects or interests
- To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Council under this Statute