The world has become a whole lot smaller with the advent of the internet. We in TCA make it a priority to actively seek out ways to represent our school and our students in a global community, not just locally.

We want TCA students to move on with more than just an awareness of global history, geography, and current events. We want them to enter the world knowing that they have the power to make the change that they want to see in it.

At TCA, we believe that students learn best from collaborations with their diverse counterparts all around the world. We would like to create a shared educational experience with a global perspective. We are also eager to partner with other students and teachers around the world for a mutually engaging interchange of learning and culture.

You can partner with TCA by exchanging, comparing, and analyzing information about your country and city .

We also seek creative, dynamic, and engaging volunteers (age 18 or older) who would like to learn and share with our students and staff, gain an understanding of Ugandan education in the setting of TCA, and enjoy our incredible natural environment.

We are always looking for new partnerships to strengthen the educational opportunities at Teso College Aloet and allow our school to serve the greater community. If you are interested in partnering with TCA, please contact us to discuss how we might be able to work together to expand our students‘ educational horizons.

We welcome your thoughts and insights. We also want to hear your suggestions or proposals for future TCA connections. Please submit your suggestions and ideas using the form below.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Administrative Office

Teso College Aloet, Private Bag,
Soroti Uganda

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