Established in 1953, Teso College Aloet is an all-male preparatory school located in Aloet, Soroti, Uganda.
To prepare all our students for their further education, training and professional careers through a well-rounded education rooted in the core moral values of service, obedience, honesty and integrity. The school, the parents and the community work together to meet the academic, social and emotional needs of each student, thereby fostering academic excellence, social responsibility and personal integrity. Teso College Aloet strives to equip each student with the tools he needs to succeed in a rapidly changing world. All stakeholders are committed to the implementation of the educational standards set by the District and National Review Boards.
Our mission is to educate the future leaders of this country. We envision a community of lifelong and successful learners, who know how to access information and build knowledge through the appropriate use of written, oral, visual and technological resources. Teso College Aloet envisions a leading centre of excellence and enhancement of educational opportunities for sustainable development and national leadership. Our target is for all students to meet and exceed the academic proficiency standards set by the National and District Review Boards. Our students will go on to apply what they learned at school to their communities and future workplaces, making worthwhile contributions at home and abroad

Our motto “AIJAANAKIN KA ARIMARIT means “Service and Obedience. These are two of the key moral precepts instilled into Iteso children as they grow up. The elders who founded Teso College Aloet “realized that the boys trained in the college would help to form a leadership in the country, and that a leader was not a commander, but a servant of the people. (Teso College Magazine, 1960) Our motto calls upon all students to live out the values of service and obedience, not only during their school tenure, but during their adult lives in society. Service to the community has been part of our curriculum from the very beginning. Acts of service, willingly and respectfully performed, are still the defining characteristic of the students of Teso College Aloet. Our students gain practical experience through performing learning and administrative tasks, with the goal of preparing them for similar and even greater tasks in their future professional careers and communities. Indeed, many of the alumni of Teso College have gone on to hold top-level positions in government and international corporations, exceeding our wildest dreams and expectations.
As our motto says, “Aijaanakin Ka Arimarit. Our core values are Service and Obedience.
Teso College, Aloet seeks to bring up students who demonstrate leadership through service to others in the school, family and community. We believe that corporations should be governed by the principles of servant leadership. “Servant Leadership, is a phrase that was coined by Robert K. Greenleaf, founder of the modern Servant Leadership movement. In his book Servant Leadership, he states: “The servant-leader is servant first…It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first; perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions. The leader-first and the servant-first are two extreme types. Between them there are shadings and blends that are part of the infinite variety of human nature. We provide a classroom environment that engages students in the educational process, encouraging them to use what they learn to solve real-life problems. Through the services they perform, students not only learn about democracy and citizenship, they also become actively contributing citizens and community members. We believe that service should be motivated by love. It gives meaning to life, in big ways and in small, in public and in private, for friends and for strangers. As it says in 2 Corinthians 9:12-13, the purpose of service is for God to reach others through our hands.
“Be doers of the word, and not hearers only. says the Bible in James 1:22. We encourage young people to strive for obedience to God and His Word. We believe that obedience and respect should be directed towards parents, elders, and those in positions of authority. Encouraging our students to follow proper guidance at home, in school and in the community is an important element of Teso College education, and it is our firm belief that an environment built on obedience and respect creates an excellent atmosphere for learning and teaching, and for the future livelihoods of our students; for the Bible also says in Isaiah 1:19, “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land.
- We shall assign learning objectives to our students, and provide evidence that our students have achieved these objectives.
- We shall make full use of the allotted instructional time.
- We believe in our students, and expect them to achieve all objectives assigned to them in the courses and subjects which they are taught
- We shall maintain an orderly atmosphere throughout the school, ensuring an environment that is conducive to learning.
- We shall treat all members of the school community with respect.

Our mascot is the pelican. While some might find this odd, the pelican exhibits many of the admirable qualities the school strives to promote. The pelican is nurturing, generous and self-sacrificing. Historically, the symbolism of the pelican has been linked to Christ‘s sacrificial gift on the Cross. In times of famine, the female pelican is said to wound her breast in order to feed her starving young with her own blood. This act has been associated with the Eucharist, and is symbolic of Jesus’ death on the Cross, which is commemorated through the taking of the bread (His body) and the wine (His blood). At Teso College, we help our students develop a relationship with Christ, and instill in them a reverence for Christ’s work on the Cross. We encourage our students to practice the virtue of self-sacrifice towards each other, living it out in their daily lives.
There are seven species of pelicans in the world, all of which are similar in shape. The pelicans which are found in Soroti – Teso, Uganda are white in colour. Their large wingspan (2.3 – 2.5 metres) gives the pelicans a prehistoric look. Pelicans weigh between 4.0 and 6.8 kilograms and are 1.6 – 1.8 metres long. They may live from 10 to 25 years or more. Pelicans swim well, with short, strong legs and feet with all four toes webbed. They feed primarily on fish. A pod of pelicans works together, especially when they are herding fish in the water. They can soar for a long time, using thermals to rise to considerable altitudes. Pelicans can remain in the air for 24 hours, covering hundreds of kilometres at heights of 1,000 metres,, sometimes going as high as 3,000 metres. Pelicans can move from one thermal to the next, travelling long distances with minimum effort, reaching air speeds of up to 56 kilometres per hour. Pelicans portray many outstanding qualities and TCA has these qualities. . Teso College soars in academics, athletics and national educational competitions. Once upon a time, TCA had a school band called ‘The Pelicans‘. It was well known in the whole of the Eastern region.