Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union came as a surprise to many. In February of 2016 The Economist wrote an article, illustrated with easy-to-read infographics, explaining the background to this historic decision. [Side_Content] The section of Britain‘s population who voted to leave were concerned by such issues as the ability to negotiate British […]
The Many Effects of Music
Music gives many people great pleasure and a sense of meaning and emotion in their lives. Research shows that it deeply affects the brain in many ways. Neuroscientists have been studying the effects of music on the brain by hooking people up to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machines and observing what happens when people […]
The Kenya–Uganda Railway’s Wild Journey to Completion
Charles Miller called it “The Lunatic Express” in his 1971 book by the same name on the history of the Kenya–Uganda railway, and the term has since entered the public imagination. The British came up with the plan to build “the iron snake” in the 1890s to take control of Lake Victoria, the source of […]