Our motto is “AIJAANAKIN KA ARIMARIT meaning “Service and Obedience. The Motto calls upon the students to carry out those qualities within – and beyond their School tenure; and into the ‘market place‘ of their daily interactions with ‘all in society‘. Servant Leadership‘ is the clarion call of Corporate Governance. Obedience, too, if directed towards God and God‘s Word, first and foremost, would (also) be an ideal quality for young people to strive for. Secondly, obedience and respect ought to be directed towards parents, elders, and those in positions of authority. Many in societies today – young people in particular – seem inclined to disrespect authority!

“Service-learning engages students in the educational process, using what they learn in the classroom to solve real-life problems. Students not only learn about democracy and citizenship, they become actively contributing citizens and community members through the service they perform. Service to others gives meaning to life, it happens in big ways and small, in public and in private, for friends and for strangers. It should be motivated by love. The purpose of service is so God can reach others through our hands. In II Cor. 9:12-13



1. English dictionary definition says “to follow, heed, and comply with commands or injunctions within a sphere of jurisdiction.”

2. Hebrew word shama – “to hear, listen; obey”

3. Greek word hupakouo – “to listen under; obey”

“If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land” (Isaiah 1:19). James 1:22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only.



We will teach the subjects‘ objectives and provide evidence of student achievement of those objectives.

We will make full use of the instructional time allotted to us.

We will demonstrate our belief and expectation that all students can achieve the objectives of the subjects/courses to which they are taught.

We will help to insure an orderly atmosphere that is conducive to learning throughout the school.

We will treat all members of the school community with respect.